we kick the butt!

Welcome to Righteous Fury, a tribute dedicated to Starfire from the animated series and comic, Teen Titans. This shrine is brought to you by Megan, a fan of the goofy alien-girl. The navigation is found above, leading you to the following: Information, Fanlisting, Multimedia, Website, Home. There are many unmarked SPOILERS on this shrine (basically every information page), so please be cautious when scrolling through. Please enjoy your stay~

This layout is version 1, featuring a photo I found off of google from an official group photo. I then cropped Starfire down and cut her out. I also found the galaxy image off of google as well. This layout was created on January 8th, 2017. I added some brushes that were created on Adobe Photoshop CS6 for Mac. The font used for the title was Alien League II Gradient Bold, and the navigation was in Alien League. To look at previous layouts, or other layouts created by me, feel free to check out my layout archive! Thanks for looking around.

MEGAN x January 2017

b a c k   .   c l e a r   .   f o r w a r d