to Echo, a dedication to Cubone, KaraKara (#104) from the anime, manga, and video game series of Pokemon. Cubone is one of my favorite Pokemon from the earlier generations. I was attracted to mostly water and fire Pokemon at the start, but then I saw how cute Cubone was. I really fell in love with its character once I learned about its backstory. I remember seeing the first Pokemon movie in the movie theater with a Pikachu short special in the front that had Cubone and loving him more. All of the navigation for this shrine can be found below, split up into different sections. All sections are labeled, so scroll down to found out more about this amazing Pokemon! There are UNMARKED spoilers, so if you aren't too familiar with Cubone, and you don't want to be spoiled, please proceed with caution! Don't hesitate to contact me if you find that you have any questions, comments or concerns as well, and I'll get back to you as soon as I can. Thank you for visiting!
| defender cubone |
the loner pokemon
● profile ; basic information● evolution ; the second stage
● pokedex ; where to find cubone
● base stats ; technical information
● effectiveness ; strengths, weaknesses, neutrality
● learn set ; battle moves
● tcg ; cards and meanings
● loner ; what it means to be a loner
● dr.fuji ; the savior
● animal ; symbolism & comparisons
● trivia ; fun facts
● 100x100 ; avatars● sprites ; pixels
● gallery ; anime & movie screen shots
Welcome to the fanlisting portion where you can show your love and dedication to Cubone (Karakara) from the Pokemon (Series). This is the approved fanlisting (TFL & TAFL) to Cubone's character from any of the video games, animes, or mangas it appears in, so feel free to join if you are so inclined. Don't hesitate to contact me if you find that you have any questions, comments or concerns as well, and I'll get back to you as soon as I can. Thank you for visiting!
Script used: Enthusiast
Last updated: 15th January 2025
Member count: 96, from 15 countries
Pending members: 0
Newest members: Corvidae
Growth rate: 0.01 fans/day
Now to Join
- rules - set of guidelines- codes - to have show your dedication
- join - become a member
- members - view the list
- lost your password? - you will recieve an email of your password
- update - your information
- affiliates - other fanlistings that affiliated with cubone
set this pokemon free...?
Echo is owned by Megan. All information published on this website was created by myself, unless stated otherwise. Echo was originally created in June 2015. I decided to name my Cubone shrine Echo because on one of his Pokedex entries it says that he cries out in the skull on his head and it echoes. I felt like it was a great title to represent the hurt and pain that Cubone feels as it ventures alone. Everything seen, unless stated otherwise, was created for the purpose of Echo, and may not be used anywhere else. If you have any other questions, feel free to contact me at any of the following places:TWITTER: likeknives
EMAIL: megan@like-knives.org
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The following sites/fanlistings below are affiliates/link exchanges to Echo. All of the links below are good quality websites, or approved fanlistings, that you should definitely check out! Please feel free to link me back with one of the Echo buttons below as well. Feel free to contact me if you would like to affiliate!
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