100x100 ICONS

The following avatars are created by Ardent, unless stated other wise. Please do not direct link or take credit for any of the following avatars on your own website. Use on forums, msn, or livejournal are allowed. If you have any Yuriko avatars that you wanted to donate, please feel free to email them to me. Make sure that you have created them on your own, or had permission to display them on this site. Thanks, and enjoy!


The following face cutouts were all cut out by myself from the official anime website. I took the time to cut out the images and change the size to be cute little faces of Yuriko. If you want to use these on your own sites, please credit back, or go to the website above and use the original images. Thanks! :)

b a c k   .   c l e a r   .   f o r w a r d