to Give Me Wings a tribute to the character Ruki Makino (Rika Nonaka), from the anime and manga series, Digimon Tamers. This tribute is brought to you by Megan in May of 2016. The navigation is directly above to the right of the layout, and is labeled Ruki, Media, Fanlisting, Website, Clear. The first section, Ruki, will introduce you to the character, as well as some in-depth essay sections. All of the information here will be primarily based off of the anime version of Digimon Tamers, simply because I have never read the manga in full. There will be many UNMAKED SPOILERS, so please be cautious reading here! Media will bring you to different goodies that you can use on forums and your desktop, as well as an anime screenshot portal!Fanlisting is an extra addition to this site, and will lead you to the approved fanlisting to Ruki. You can stop by and join if you feel inclined! Website will bring you to all of the technical information about Give Me Wings, as well as affiliates and links to other great Digimon tributes! Finally, clear will bring you right back here! Please enjoy your look around, and always feel free to contact me with any questions, comments, or concerns. Thanks for visiting!