Welcome to a section of like-knives.org dedicated to my love for photography. Here you will find pictures taken by myself on my Nikon D40 camera. Although I have only had this camera for 3 years, I have learned how to take interesting photos. I've wanted to have a photography blog for a long time as a sub-domain of my own photos. Here is my chance to share some of the "better" ones with the world. I am not a professional photographer, but all of these images are copy-righted to me. If you have any questions or found yourself interested in some of the photos here please email me.

If you decide to use any of these images for your own personal use such as creating avatars or wallpapers/layouts, please find it in your heart to credit back to this photoblog. If you'd like to link back here in general, that would be greatly appreciated. If you use any of these images in your own galleries on your own websites, a link back here is mandatory since I have taken a lot of time out of my schedule to take all of these photos. Thank you for your understanding. :)

The navigation above shows you a generic tag of the photo. Seeing as how Nature, People, and Cats are the major things I've taken pictures of, you will find the majority of photos in those links above. Etc. will have photos that were randomly taken, like buildings, objects, or holiday related things. Thanks for viewing my hard work. Feed back is always welcome! Please feel free to email me. (The Navigation is directly above in big letters: NATURE, PEOPLE, CATS, ETC)

Also, feel free to link back to Like-knives.org Photo Gallery on any of your sites. If you are interested in link-exchanging with this gallery portal, and you have your own photo related webpage, feel free to email me and I'll gladly add your gallery as a link here. Thanks :)

b a c k   .   c l e a r   .   f o r w a r d