All of the following photos were taken by me, either on my
Nikon D40 or my
iPhone 6. You can use them to create your own media section, but you may not take the images and put them onto your own gallery. If any images are used, please do not direct link, or claim them as your own. You must link back to Memoria and/or supply my
email on your website if you do choose to use the images for anything. Each set of photos will be sorted by the Zoo's that I took the images by, in alphabetical order by city. Thanks, and enjoy your look!
The Buffalo Zoo is the closest zoo to where I currently live. Surprisingly, I have the least amount of photos taken at this zoo. For more information, please feel free to view the
official website, where you can see a list of animals, how their conservation efforts are helping, and more!
I went to the Pittsburgh Zoo over my 2016 Spring Break from college. I was really impressed by how they had their African mammals set up. For more information, please feel free to view the
official website, where you can see a list of animals, how their conservation efforts are helping, and more!
I went to the Toronto Zoo back when I was going into Sophomore year in High School. I was really impressed by this zoo in general, because it was huge and the animals all looked decently happy. For more information, please feel free to view the
official website, where you can see a list of animals, how their conservation efforts are helping, and more!
b a c k . c l e a r . f o r w a r d