Heart of Glass is owned by Megan. All information published on this website was created by myself, unless stated otherwise. Heart of Glass is a place where I can publicly show my love and compassion for the Gothic girl, Chidori. This shrine was created in July of 2013 on my domain Heart of Glass is a title of a hit song. I felt like this title was appropriate and specific in regards to relating with Chidori because glass seems to be tough and sturdy, but when you drop it, it shatters. Chidori's character starts out really tough, not afraid of death or anyone else, and she turns out to be a normal girl wanting love and affection. Therefore, Heart of Glass came to mind in describing Chidori. Everything seen, unless stated otherwise, was created for the purpose of Heart of Glass, and may not be used anywhere else. If you have any other questions, feel free to contact me at any of the following places:AIM: Chocolatemilkage
1. Can I use your information/media/gallery on my site?
NO you may NOT use or copy my information from here. I spent a lot of my free time working and writing about Chidori and everything shown on Heart of Glass. PLEASE do NOT use my information! D: If i see you with it, the exact same thing or close, I will probably email you asking you to take it down. If you credit Heart of Glass, please email me first before using content.
2. Can I submit something here?
Sure! I don't mind if you donate anything for the media section here. I'll give you proper credit too. Please email me to donate with your name and an email or URL that you would like to be shown for credit.
3. Can I affiliate?
Yes, you can, as long as it is Persona related. Fanlistings are welcome as well. Feel free to email me about it. I will not accept an affiliate if you have stolen content.
The following sites/fanlistings below are affiliates/link exchanges to Heart of Glass. All of the links below are good quality websites that you should definitely check out! Please feel free to link me back with one of the Heart of Glass buttons below as well.affiliate?